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Finding True Riches

When Elijah typed “get rich quick” into his phone’s search bar, an endless train of mindless results filled the screen. He sighed. For years, he’d spent every spare minute researching ways to build wealth and have it all. 

“I’m tired of this,” he realized.

A new thought entered his mind: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Elijah bowed his head and said, “Lord, if you want me to be rich, that’s up to you. I will dedicate my time to seeking You.”

That simple decision began an exciting journey for Elijah and his family. And thanks to your support, Amazing Facts would play a vital role in helping him store up riches in heaven.

A Divided Heart
Elijah grew up in a Sabbath-keeping home and went to a Christian school, but when he was six, his parents divorced. The family stopped attending church. Still, even as a child, Elijah had a heart for God. When he learned about giving tithe, he brought a tenth of his birthday money to his teacher. “Will you take this to church for me?” Elijah asked. His teacher agreed. “It’s beautiful to feel the pull of God on your heart,” Elijah says.

As a teen, Elijah attended public schools. When he earned his driver’s permit, he began attending church. But he also spent many Sabbaths at ballgames and team practice. “I wanted to live my life before fully committing to God,” Elijah shares.

At church, Elijah noticed a beautiful young lady in the congregation, and they soon began dating. 

“My Life Is Over!”
After Elijah graduated from high school, he started university out of state. He wanted to escape his small town and become a financial success. As a pre-med major, his schedule was intense—his relationship with God waned dramatically. 

Before the end of his first semester, his girlfriend called with life-changing news: “I’m pregnant.”

“It felt as though everything ended for me,” Elijah says. He knew he couldn’t abandon his girlfriend and new daughter, so he withdrew from school and found a job back home.

But even when it seemed his dreams had collapsed, God had a plan. Elijah began studying the Bible with his girlfriend. Their pastor encouraged them to marry, and soon after the wedding, the two were baptized.

A Distracted Christian
As their family grew, they struggled financially. Living with his in-laws out of necessity, Elijah hopped from job to job—always trying to improve their situation. He wanted to support his family, but he also wanted an easy life. When he wasn’t working, he spent every minute researching how to become wealthy. “I was distracted by the pursuit of worldly success,” Elijah says.

Then God blessed Elijah with the best job he’d ever had. A few weeks in, Elijah felt impressed to commit to studying the Bible regularly. Soon, Elijah committed his financial future to God and purposed to seek God’s kingdom. He turned to Amazing Facts for resources, reading pocket books whenever he could and listening to sermons as he worked. “Pastor Doug played a crucial role in my Christian experience and maturity,” he writes.

As Elijah drew closer to God, his joy grew. His pastor increased his responsibilities at church, and Elijah began planning for a future in full-time ministry.

Family Tension
But as Elijah’s commitment deepened, his wife resisted. They had finally saved enough money for a down payment on a home. How could Elijah quit his job when they were so close to moving out of his in-laws’ home? Tension grew as they struggled over the decision.

“Lord, if you want me in full-time ministry, change my wife’s heart,” Elijah prayed. “But if you want me to buy a house and minister to my family first, then I will.”

One Friday night, Elijah went to bed early, but his wife stayed up crying and praying. In the middle of the night, she woke Elijah. “I don’t know where God is leading us, but I’m willing to listen,” she said. 

Together, they prayed, “Lord, we want to follow you. If you want us in ministry, please give us an obvious sign.”

The following morning, Elijah was scheduled to preach. “It wasn’t a remarkable sermon,” Elijah shares. Nevertheless, person after person encouraged them to enter full-time ministry. “It was a miraculous answer to prayer. My wife’s uncertainty and anxiety gave way to trust and love,” Elijah shares.

Today, Elijah serves as an evangelist for Amazing Facts after having graduated from the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. He shares, “My story would have been very different if it weren’t for Amazing Facts.” 


By the time Castro Wilson was 36 years old, he had been an alcoholic for more than 20 years and had been using drugs for about eight. He felt the destructive toll on his mind and body that these addictions had on him and came to the depressing conclusion that he had managed to ruin his life entirely. He says, “I felt the only thing I had to look forward to was my untimely death. I didn’t care anymore; I had given up.”

Thankfully, the Lord wasn’t ready to give up on him. “It was about that time my parents wanted me to go to a tent revival, but I had no desire to go. The last thing I wanted was to be around people, but every night my parents would plead with me to go. I would always refuse.”

But on the last night, Castro saw in his father’s face grave disappointment as he told his son that the revival was over. He then watched as his saddened father tossed a handful of pamphlet-like literature on a table in the garage. They were a set of Amazing Facts Study Guides.

“I really noticed the pictures and titles on the covers. So I decided I would take a closer look.”

“I glanced at them for a moment, and they caught my eye,” Castro explains. “I really noticed the pictures and titles on the covers. So I decided I would take a closer look.” Strangely compelled, Castro put the disheveled Guides in order and took them to his room. Miraculously, he then proceeded to begin his very first Bible study.

A Gripping Revelation
Castro liked the question-and-answer format of the Study Guides. To him there were like crossword puzzles that you solved with a Bible rather than a dictionary. “So I searched my room and found a Bible that my father had given me 20 years earlier when I left to join the military. I didn’t think it was very important back then.”

The Study Guides about the Bible’s origins and prophecies certainly interested Castro, but the Lord used the Guide about biblical health principals to reach his heart. A particular passage pricked his soul especially: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). What stopped Castro in his tracks was the Guide’s claim that the Bible can change lives, enabling the drunk to be sober and the addict to be free.

“I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I kept thinking I was too old. I was dying! But then at that moment, Jesus Christ came into my life.” Castro began to weep, and soon he put his hands together in a desperate prayer, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” He gave His life to Jesus.

Explains Castro, “When I read the text again, it was crystal clear how the Lord had given me sight. I grabbed my beer and drugs and cigarettes and threw them all away. I could see who was behind them and his plan for my destruction.” The one-time addict had felt the Lord’s love, and knew it was like no other love he had ever felt—a life-changing love.

Castro is now taking classes about how to learn more about Jesus and how to be a better witness to others. But he’ll never forget when he first became unshackled. “I thank Amazing Facts for providing these eye-catching Study Guides. They lead a person to the source of truth, which shall set them free.”


Douglas Robins’ young life went downhill fast when his father died. After getting addicted to drugs and dropping out of high school, Douglas soon found himself serving two-to-ten in a Michigan prison. But that’s exactly where God could reach him. Discover how God showed Douglas the “true meaning of life” through the ministry of Amazing Facts and how he is making a difference today!


When Judy was a girl, she almost attended church. After her mom died of cancer when Judy was only six-years-old, her father gave her a nickel each Sunday and told her to go to the church around the corner from where they lived.

Well, she knew her dad really wasn’t into church, and she didn’t want to attend either—so she snuck out each week and spent the five cents on candy instead.

Hard times came when Judy’s father remarried. Being very independent, conflicts erupted in the blended home. But after graduating from college, she moved to Seattle where she met her husband. Eventually, they found their way to Sacramento, California.

After two daughters came along, Judy was working at a hospital when she found out that her husband was killed in a motorcycle accident. She was devastated—and afraid knowing she’d face life and work as a single mother. “My life nearly fell apart,” she says …

But God, through Amazing Facts, was waiting with answers to point the way to Jesus.

First Contact
On a Sunday morning, while looking for a program to watch, Judy happened onto an Amazing Facts television broadcast. She says, “I loved it. As I listened, I found myself agreeing with what he said, except when he started saying that Saturday was the Sabbath. At this point, I didn’t know about Pastor Doug’s church, but I went to my Bible and discovered he was right!”

Soon Judy signed up for the Amazing Facts Bible School and began completing lessons and mailing them in. When she finished the introductory lessons, she quickly moved to the advanced lessons and was thrilled at all the new Bible truth she was learning. She found her understanding of Scripture growing tremendously.

Judy then discovered and once more found resources to strengthen her walk with God. When she came across difficult Bible passages that didn’t make sense, she’d type them into our search engine and found articles and sermons that cleared up her questions.

Getting on a New Path
Sometime later, two young AFCOE students, as part of their seminar series pre-work effort, knocked on Judy’s door. The young men provided her with more helpful booklets and DVDs from the Amazing Facts bookstore. She says, “Those young men taught me to pray in a meaningful way. I always prayed for my own needs, but they helped me to realize how important it is to give praise to the Lord in prayer.”

A few months later, the two AFCOE students invited Judy to attend an Amazing Facts prophecy seminar. Often, the young men brought her to the meetings because she was unable to drive herself. “I attended almost every session. God was speaking to me! He has been so good. I let go of coffee, cola drinks, and unclean food. The Lord took away my desire for these things.”

Judy was eventually baptized and says she loves her new church home. She says, “I’m so comfortable here. People accept you for who you are. It’s very multicultural without the gossip and cliques in most churches. I am learning so much and love helping out with the fellowship luncheon each week.”

A Call to Boldly Share
More recently, Judy has been sharing her faith with her neighbor Donna and pointing her to the real gospel. Each Sunday they meet and studied an Amazing Facts Bible study lesson. Donna’s best friend recently passed away, and Judy has been helping her grieve and face the pain. Judy says, “Donna wanted to run away, but I told her she needed to get God off the backburner and study her Bible.” The first time Judy took Donna to church, there was an altar call, and before Judy knew what was happening, Donna was upfront committing her life to Christ. Praise the Lord!

Each Sunday they meet and studied an Amazing Facts Bible study lesson.

“Where would I be without Amazing Facts! They basically saved my life.” Judy shares. “I have found so many answers to my Bible questions. They have led me to my church family. They continue to provide resources so I can witness to my neighbors. If there is one thing Amazing Facts taught me, it was to share my faith. You can’t just sit in front of a television and say, ‘Amen.’ Amazing Facts has helped me get out into my community and witness to others.


by Randrick Chance

I grew up attending church and even got baptized. But after a few years in the Navy, my philosophy about life radically changed. My idea of success was making lots of money, driving the best cars, and partying every weekend. I found self-worth by dressing in the trendiest clothes, wearing expensive jewelry, and impressing the ladies.

My peers thought I was living the good life. Outwardly, I seemed happy and in control — but within I was miserable and without purpose. Under the mask of success, I was terribly insecure. I wondered how someone like me, who had everything a young person could want, could be so lonely? I was utterly depressed.

U.S.S. Providence?
That’s when God gave me my first encounter with real biblical substance. While on duty on a naval warship, browsing through a magazine rack looking for something to just kill some time, I discovered an Amazing Facts’ Study Guide. The title was so startling that I was compelled to pick it up. It turned out to be the beginning of an adventure in discovering God in a completely new way.

The title was so startling that I was compelled to pick it up. It turned out to be the beginning of an adventure in discovering God in a completely new way.

I started the lessons with much excitement. I could not wait to get the next one in the mail. Shortly after, I transferred to Italy, and a great controversy began to play out in my life. There were temptations like never before, and I kept falling for the fake life of the world that I struggled to continue the lessons.

However, I experienced another breakthrough when I got to the lesson “Lost Day of History.” It really opened my eyes. Though still not fully converted, I managed well for a time and found peace, but I still had the same friends and influences. Eventually, I always fell back to my old habits.

Lasting Resolve
Eventually, I was transferred to Puerto Rico, and it was there that I really sensed my need for Jesus. Because I was new to Puerto Rico, I didn’t have any family or friends there, so I had a lot of time to focus on God and let Him deal with my heart. I was soaking up each guide’s truth like a sponge; soon I was ready to take my stand for Jesus. I contacted Carolyn Moxley, an Amazing Facts’ representative, about churches in Puerto Rico and she quickly and warmly responded. I then completed the 27 lessons and was baptized!

It has been an awesome journey since I accepted Jesus to rule on the throne of my heart! Praise Him, He had a special calling on my life and has used my passion to let me speak during church services. I even became a youth leader and was invited to preach in Florida for a youth weekend event.

A Different Kind of Soldier
Recently, the Lord led me to the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. I prayed and fasted, and I felt certain it was part of His will. But honestly, I still had a little doubt, so I asked a specific sign. I told that Lord that if He promoted me one more time in the Navy, I would know He wanted me to go to the school. Incredibly, not long after, I was in fact promoted!

I was excited and shocked at the same time. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I knew the Lord was telling me to let go of the Navy and follow Him all the way. After being honorably discharged, God led me to an incredible school! It has been the perfect training program for me.

There have been great changes in my life, and God has freed me from many hurtful desires. By the loving mercies and grace of Jesus, I am overcoming the world one step at a time. I have peace knowing I am secure in Christ. God has realigned my priorities so that now I desire to do His will and have totally surrendered to His ministry full-time.

I found out that Jesus, and not the world, is the answer to a spiritually bankrupt world, and He has indeed made a difference in my life. Thank you, Amazing Facts, for being there to help me along the way.


All that Steven Hicks knew about the Bible came from the movies. “I also knew about certain forms of worship, but I didn’t know anything about Jesus.”

When his parents divorced when he was a child, he quit going to church. He went back briefly in high school, but it didn’t really “click” for him anymore.

He eventually tried out another church, where a minister told him all religions were the same. “At the time I thought it was really cool,” Steven says. “It broke down some barriers for me.”

Although Steven liked the minister, when he started college he once again quit going to church. He tried reading the Bible like a novel but never got farther than halfway through the book of Numbers.

In 2005, a friend named Hugh invited Steven to a Bible study. Hugh bought him a Bible and even had Steven’s name engraved on it, and they dove right into doctrine. “That approach might not be the best for everyone, but it worked for me,” Steven says. In the first study, they talked about the millennium. “I had never heard anything like that before. I couldn’t get my mind off it. I tried to talk to my friends about it, but they weren’t interested.”

Every week at Hugh’s Bible study, Steven learned something new. He was even using the Amazing Facts Study Guides. Finally something clicked: “I began to see the world in a whole different way.”

Shortly thereafter, Steven heard about Amazing Facts, unaware that he’d been using our Study Guides! Steven felt fairly confident in his doctrinal knowledge, but an Amazing Facts series with evangelist Jason Morgan in Santa Cruz, California, gave him a deeper understanding. “I’d been kind of scared of the church,” explains Steven, “But Jason’s ability to flesh out doctrine kept me coming back.”

Early in the series, Steven gained a deeper knowledge of Jesus. “I thought I had a relationship with Jesus, but it wasn’t a personal one,” he admits. “All of Jason’s messages moved me, but the one entitled ‘Blood on the Throne’ sent me to the front of the room!” The message drove home Jesus’ sacrifice, bearing all the pain Steven had ever experienced, along with the pain of everyone else who had ever lived. Steven found himself in front of a room full of strangers, overcome with emotion because of his love for Jesus. “That was something I never thought would happen!”

Going Deeper
“Later meetings brought up hard topics, but once I understood Christ’s sacrifice, I wanted a relationship with Him badly enough that it was worth working through those tough questions,” says Steven.

Another message that Jason laid out was the pattern of prophets God has used through time, which was the message that convinced Steven to be baptized. It bridged the gap between the ancient and modern worlds. “In the Bible you read crazy stories, like the sun standing still. No one I know has ever seen anything like that; it’s not in history books. It’s easy to think of the Bible as a whole different world,” he says. But when Steven understood that the Spirit of Prophecy operated in the modern world, he suddenly saw that his world was the same as that described in the Bible. “I realized that if the future is really going to be like the Bible says, I couldn’t live my life the same way anymore.”

Still, Steven had a lot of opposition to being baptized. His family, friends, and even his girlfriend wouldn’t understand. “If I was going to go forward with this, I would be the only person I knew outside of the church who understood things this way.” But after talking it over with Jason, he took the step forward. The church welcomed him with gifts and made him feel loved; some of his friends even came to witness his baptism. “It was a joyous day,” Steven says. “I felt like a totally new man.”

Even though his girlfriend Marina eventually joined him, sadly, most of his friends wanted nothing to do with Steven’s new life. And his family still doesn’t understand why, when he comes to visit, he wants to spend Saturday morning at church instead of with them. To them, religion is rules, rituals, holidays—not a relationship.

Many different cultures—Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, etc.— lived together in his home community, a suburb of New York City. “I was always proud of how we all got along,” Steven explains. “But the reason we got along was that no one actively lived whatever their faith was. But religion has totally changed my life.”

The Next Step
After his baptism, Steven sensed God calling him. At a General Youth Conference event in December 2008, he obtained information about AFCOE from the Amazing Facts booth.

He wanted to attend but first made a “deal” with God. By this time, he had married Marina, so he felt responsible to someone else. “I told God, ‘I need to be out of debt before going to AFCOE; I can’t have all these bills and no way to pay them.’”

By August of 2009, he’d paid off his last debt. “It was an answer to prayer,” Steven says. So he started AFCOE this past January. “Pray for me now,” he asks, “because I have only enough money to get me through this course! God will have to show me what to do next.”

Steven says he’s astounded by what he’s learning. “Before I came I studied the Bible a lot, but what I am learning now is how to connect with God on a daily basis: How to wake up with Him, to walk with Him, to go to bed with Him.”

Steven says God has eliminated problems in his life—both physical and mental—that he didn’t even know were there. “Watching the people here walk with God has been like looking in a mirror and seeing that I’m not quite clean.” Even his marriage has been strengthened during the short time he’s been at AFCOE.

Steven enjoys the other students’ different perspectives. “We learn from each other and lift each other up.” The instructors, he says, each have unique strengths, and seem to have been led by God into positions where they excel.

Though he’s uncertain what the future holds, Steven would like to go back to his church and start an outreach program. “I would love to help my church grow and reflect Jesus to the community,” he says. “I’ve also been writing since I was a kid and I want to dedicate that talent to God.” He dreams of publishing a book, a story based on Daniel’s prophecies. “Mostly I’m open to whatever God has to teach me, and I’ll go wherever he leads me because I know He knows best.”

Of his lifelong experience, Steven explains, “Looking back on the years since I started reading the Bible, the experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met, the self-improvement, are all to the glory of God. The first 25 years of my life bear witness that I could not have done those things on my own. If God can take a mess like me and do what He’s done, He can do it for anyone who will let Him.”


It was every man for himself. Growing up in an abusive family, Dennis Page learned about the realities of life with little parental guidance, love, or spiritual influence. So as an adult, he easily plunged into a dark prison of drugs, money, and women.

One day, Dennis’ boss invited him to church. “I thought it odd because he knew I was using and selling drugs,” he says. Dennis declined, but then to his surprise his boss asked if he could take Dennis’ five-year-old son Travis.

“I told him, ‘If I ever do anything right in this life, I want my son to know who this Jesus is.’ My thought was that there is still hope for him. He’s five. He’s untainted. I’d heard of heaven and hell and was pretty sure where I was going, but maybe my son might have a chance.”

A short time later, another employee invited Dennis and his son to church. They attended a few times, but Dennis felt hypocritical going to church while still a drug user and dealer. Nevertheless, the employee and his wife gave Dennis a Bible, which he dismissively placed on a shelf.

Dennis soon quit that job and joined a drug ring to push drugs full-time. Within a year he was involved with spiritualism. Not long afterward the FBI began investigating Dennis; so the drug ring decided to murder him. Scared and depressed, Dennis sent Travis to live with his mother.

One night of despair overwhelmed him. As he journaled his thoughts, a poem called “Jesus Said” poured from his pen. Although he’d never read the Bible to know what Jesus actually said, the Holy Spirit spoke through his just-written words. “The greatest experience of comfort and peace came over me. God made Himself known in a way I could understand at that moment. I now knew God was real because for the first time in my life I felt hope, regardless of my situation.”

“Lord, save me!”
Dennis found the Bible his co-worker had given him and began to read. “I wanted my life to change and was under strong conviction that the things I was doing was wrong.” Weeks went by as Dennis tried to fix himself, to no avail. Finally, in desperation, he cried out to God for help. The next day he was arrested by the secret service. “This was not my idea of help!” he says. “But we serve an awesome God. When it comes to saving a soul who is crying out for deliverance from sin, He does not waste time.”

In prison Dennis started reading the Bible. “I could hear God talk to me every time I opened the Bible. I also read the book Left Behind and thought, ‘This is a lie! This is not the same God I’ve been reading about in the Bible.’” Eventually, Dennis shared a cell with a man taking the Amazing Facts Bible study course. The first lesson Dennis read was like cool water to his thirsty soul. Within one week he had completed 12 lessons. As each new truth unfolded, Dennis immediately put into practice the things he learned.

“I could see how much God loved me, and I wanted to respond. What really built my faith was seeing how I could trust the Bible through prophecy. The 2,300-day prophecy showed me that Jesus was the Messiah. Seeing His love from creation to the cross made me realize that the Bible was no ordinary book. When I see what love Jesus has for me, why would I live contrary to that?”

Dennis spent the next two years in five different prisons. During this time, members of a local Sabbath-keeping church in Fort Wayne, Ind., continued to minister to him and sent additional materials from Amazing Facts. Their faithful ministry quickly grew Dennis’ faith and understanding. He was baptized before leaving prison.

New life in Christ
Since his release from prison six years ago, Dennis now takes every opportunity to share his testimony. Today he is a frequent speaker in churches and prisons. He also wrote From the Cell to the Cross, which details his experience and the power of God’s grace to save and transform lives. This book has been sent to many prisoners around the country. Aware of the powerful witnessing potential of his book, Dennis also included a listing of all the Bible Study Guides available through Amazing Facts and information on how to receive them.

“One book or Study Guide will be read by a multitude of people,” he says. “In prison one person will share with others, and they likewise will share with many more.” The church who ministered to Dennis has already received many letters requesting the Amazing Facts Bible studies and more information on the Sabbath.

Dennis is also now married, and he and his wife Melody are committed to ministry. They hope someday to attend the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism to strengthen their talents and be better equipped to share God’s love with others.

One of Dennis’ greatest joys has been to introduce his son to Jesus. Now rather than needing to depend upon someone else for that solemn task, Dennis can tell Travis himself about the Savior.

“Only God knows the depth of gratitude I have for the faithfulness of Amazing Facts. You have been a tool in His hand to not only reach my life, but now also my son who is coming to know Jesus through my experience – and with the help of your ministry by presenting the Word of God in such a clear and understandable way.”


“The word of God is living and powerful.” —Hebrews 4:12

A Jamaican Reborn
It was just another day in Montego Bay, Jamaica’s tourist-filled metropolis. Patricia was pregnant with her third child. With her first two daughters, she was bedridden the entire nine months due to her poor health. But with this baby, she had been all around town, walking, driving, on the go. The last eight months had been wonderful.

It was just another day when she tripped on the carpet at home. It was just another day when she lost her unborn baby. She was never the same again.

But through your precious gifts, God led her to a new life.

Giving Up Ghosts
After that tragic day, Patricia became extremely depressed. She saw her baby—running, playing ball—all the time. People told her it was the baby’s ghost. And she believed it. She wasn’t just seeing her baby, but also her dead grandmother.

When people need help, they try everything. That’s what Patricia did—yoga, palm readings, tea-leaf readings, hypnosis. But none of it rid her of the hauntings; none of it gave her peace. In fact, she began seeing more. Her bed became a pile of filth; then it was the desk downstairs.

Was she going insane? People thought so. There were plans to admit her to a psychiatric institution once the next bed became available. Patricia was frantic; she needed a cure. On a whim, she visited one last doctor. But unlike all the others, this doctor gave her no pills. He simply did tests and advised her to do one thing while she waited for the results: pray.

So Patricia prayed. She called every God-fearing, church-going friend she knew and told them to pray. She even called her eldest daughter, a Sabbath-keeper in her freshman year at college.

Patricia was no stranger to Christianity. She had been baptized into a Baptist congregation at 12 years old. But after moving into the city, with its high sheen and seductive sparkle, church had become like chaff in the wind. She had been furious when her daughter had decided to get baptized. She’d even flown all the way to Florida to stop her—to no avail.

“If you get baptized, I don’t want anything to do with you anymore,” she remembered saying.

Tent Crusade
I don’t know what would have happened to me if I didn’t study the Bible.

Now, she was the one searching—first with the Baptists, then the Pentecostals, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics. But it was the same fruitless cure; she had merely traded hypnotism for speaking in tongues and tea leaves for rosaries. She was more confused than ever. 

She asked God for a sign pointing to His true church. She even picked the location for it, a certain stretch of land by the seashore. Several weeks passed—then the sign came. Right in that very spot by the sea was erected a tent that was to host seven weeks of evangelistic meetings. At the end of that tent crusade, Patricia was baptized into the same Sabbath-keeping church as her daughter.

Funny enough, her husband tried to stop her, just like she had done to their daughter. And funny enough, she gave him the same answer her daughter had given her: “I love Jesus.” She never followed up with the doctor for her test results. She had found her cure—in Christ.

After her baptism, Patricia’s daughter flew home and gifted her a suitcase full of Amazing Facts Study Guides. Patricia completed the entire set. It was through those Bible lessons that she gained a full understanding of God. She loved how simple the questions were and how easy it was to find the answers in Scripture; she loved the brightly colored illustrations that allowed her to vividly picture Bible prophecy. She learned in no uncertain terms that her baby was not a ghost but was at rest in the ground. That truth gave her peace beyond measure. It was a peace that stayed with her—even when her husband, railing against her newfound faith, locked her out of the house.

she loved the brightly colored illustrations that allowed her to vividly picture Bible prophecy.

She next discovered the Amazing Facts television program and the ministry’s online store. She ordered DVDs and books. Pastor Doug Batchelor’s testimony was the first she had ever heard; from it, she realized that the Lord meant for her to share her own experience with others. For nearly three decades, she has done so joyfully—even bringing Study Guides to her old spiritualist practitioners. And through her intercessory prayer, the Lord finally brought her husband into the same faith. “I praise God for the Holy Spirit, who taught me all truth through Amazing Facts,” Patricia writes. Thank you for your part in sending that truth into all the world!


Santosh grew up in India’s upper caste in a mixed religious home. His father was agnostic, while his mother was a devout Hindu who regularly taught him about Shiva, one of the principal deities of her religion. Santosh even attended a Catholic-run school, but he never learned about Jesus.

The first genuine encounter Santosh had with Christianity happened when he took his mother to a doctor for an illness that left her partially paralyzed. When the doctor told her he had never seen anyone with her condition walk again, Santosh was distraught.

But before leaving the office, the doctor said, “I do know someone who can help you walk again—Jesus Christ.” Santosh never forgot these touching words, and it would later help to awaken something within his heart.

“I do know someone who can help you walk again—Jesus Christ.”

Santosh was living as an atheist at the time, but he admits he was troubled about spiritual matters. Some of his encounters with Christians left him confused as they seemed to lack a deep commitment to their religion. But one day, a group of friends invited him to a church function. He says, “I didn’t think it would cause any harm to attend.”

On a Wednesday evening, these Sabbathkeepers played the video testimony of Pastor Doug Batchelor—“The Richest Caveman.” The message gripped Santosh and moved his heart like never before. While watching, he recognized that he was not in a good place spiritually.

Then, while visiting a local Internet café, he found the Amazing Facts website. He resisted going back to the site but began having troubling dreams. Afterward, as he visited the site again and discovered more truth, his sleep improved.

Santosh eventually found the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides online, and each day he would complete a lesson. He soon finished all the studies and found that the truths he learned brought him peace. Santosh says, “When I first studied the Study Guides, I didn’t think they would lead me to baptism.” This was a turning point in his life, and within three weeks he was baptized!

Staying Strong in Faith
When Santosh gave his life to Christ, it did not go over well with his parents. Though his family was close-knit, he recalls, “I was thrown out of the house.” To this day, he is still not on good terms with his family, but Santosh is at peace and finds strength in his walk with the Lord.

In 2015, Santosh was diagnosed with leukemia and was given only a year to live. After some treatments, he felt impressed to put his illness completely into God’s hands, praying, “Lord, I have this one year to do ministry for You.” He accepted whatever outcome God had in store for him.

At the time of this report, Santosh is teaching at a Christian university in India. He has a desire to equip more people to share the gospel with those in non-Christian religions. He shares, “I am thankful to the Amazing Facts team for the helpful information they provide on the Internet, for reaching people in places like India, and for leading people like me to personally know God.” He is especially grateful for the role Amazing Facts played in giving him a new identity in Christ. 

“I am thankful to the Amazing Facts team for the helpful information they provide on the Internet, for reaching people in places like India.”


Pastor Rafael Fernandez needed real help for an incredible opportunity.

He had been conducting a monthly worship service in the local prison in Okeechobee, Florida. When the handful of men attending his chapel meetings grew to more than 200, inmates began asking for something to feed them spiritually between his visits.

So Pastor Fernandez turned to church member Denise Cheshire for help.

The plan they developed was to send Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides to interested prisoners. After completing the lessons, the inmates would mail the answer sheets back to the church to be corrected. Denise recruited a team of 15 members to grade the lessons and mail back two more, along with encouraging notes. (Names of church volunteers are kept anonymous.)

The response was overwhelming! When she sent 240 inmates the first two lessons, 100 of them immediately responded. On Sabbaths, Denise distributes answer sheets to her volunteers who correct the lessons. In the last two years, more than 300 inmates have completed (or are completing) the lessons. Denise says, “We can hardly keep up!”

Most exciting is that 80 inmates have been baptized as a result of going through the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides and another 18 are preparing for baptism. Pastor Rafael believes candidates should be carefully prepared. They must have a clear understanding of salvation, the Bible, and the meaning of baptism. He feels the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides are an excellent tool for leading inmates to Christ.

Denise shares, “Prison inmates take lots of Bible studies from many different ministries, but the ones they love the most are the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides. They appreciate how they are topically organized. They find the questions relevant and the answers solidly based in the Bible. It’s easy for them to follow because they build on each other.”

When inmates send answers sheets back to be corrected, they sometimes have more questions. Church volunteers have used Amazing Facts websites like and to print off answers and mail them back, since these prisoners do not have access to the Internet.

Because of the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides, almost one-fifth of the prison population has studied these lessons. There is now a Sabbathkeeping Church that meets in the prison, and inmates are writing back and saying, “I’m giving these Bible studies to my cellmate.” They are becoming evangelists themselves. Denise and her team are currently working to get Amazing Facts DVDs into the prison.

The Okeechobee Church also uses the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides, along with other resources like the Millennium of Prophecy DVD series, the Cosmic Conflict DVD, and the new Revelation: The Bride, the Beast & Babylon DVD to share in their community.

Denise’s husband, Eric, also finds Amazing Facts resources helpful to share with others. He is a lawyer practicing family law and often finds himself ministering to people during some of the most difficult times in their life. Eric shares the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides with clients, along with Amazing Facts DVDs. He finds that the Amazing Facts resources appeal to all types of people.

“We had no idea how much God would bless our prison outreach,” Denise shares. “Other churches have written to ask about our work. A prison is a mission field full of forgotten men. When we reached out with the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides, they felt cared about. These lessons have been a key resource to unlock prison doors. We love using them because they have touched men behind bars and given them freedom in Jesus.”

Call +1-916-434-3880 to learn more about how your church can use Amazing Facts Study Guides to reach prisons and communities in your area.


Long-distance truck drivers will tell you that they have seen just about anything and everything out on the road. It’s difficult to surprise a trucker, but that’s what happened to Diana in 2011. She was standing on a four-lane bridge near Toledo, Ohio, helping a stranded motorist when she looked up to see a semi-truck barreling straight toward her. Diana had seconds to respond. She could stay where she was and get hit, or she could jump off the 25-foot high bridge and pray she wouldn’t land in traffic below.

Diana took a leap of faith and jumped. She felt herself falling through the air and, in answer to her quick prayer, landed on a median. When she awoke, she had to crawl over to her cell phone to call for an ambulance. At the hospital, Diane was told she had fractured her pelvis, broke ribs, fractured her neck, had a collapsed lung, and had internal bleeding. But God brought miraculous healing to Diana.

Life hasn’t always been easy for her, especially as she sought for love in all the wrong places. Diana first ran away from home at the age of eleven. Her dad drank, and her parents fought constantly. She rode her bicycle five miles to her grandparent’s where she found short-term peace in their home.

At age eighteen, Diana looked for happiness by joining the armed services. However, she found only alcohol and bad relationships there. A few years later she got married and, though she ended up with two beautiful daughters, her marriage went south. Sadly, Diana kept trying to fill a hole in her heart left by her father by going through multiple marriages. She was looking for love, but she ended up abused.

Another Leap
Later in life, Diana was working as a security officer and often read her Bible during breaks. One day, a fellow worker stopped by and asked if she believed in Christ. She replied, “I’m a sinner, saved by grace. I still have much to learn.”

Diana’s co-worker then said, “I have something for you to read.” He handed her an Amazing Facts Bible Study Guide. She had been praying for more light and shared, “My spirit rejoiced, and I knew that this was an answer to my prayer!”

Diana’s thirst for Bible knowledge grew as she studied with Amazing Facts. When she learned of the Sabbath truth, she said, “It lit a fire in me that couldn’t be contained. I came alive and was very hungry for the Word and to know my Jesus.”

Soon she was listening to Amazing Facts programs on the web. Eventually, she began attending a Sabbath-keeping church where she was baptized. Now Diana, once a fighter in the armed forces, now refers to herself as a soldier for Jesus. “I am praying that my Father will transform me into a warrior for Christ. With the help of Amazing Facts, I believe that it will happen.”

“My step has a spring to it, I smile with confidence,” she says. “I have been set free from my relationship addiction. Prayer and the Bible have become my sword, and faith has become my shield. It is a new day, and I am blessed.”  

It lit a fire in me that couldn’t be contained.

Today, Diana is back on the road, driving and witnessing for Christ. “Amazing Facts has been my rock on this journey because I can listen to important truths as I travel down the road,” she says.  “I only return home once a month, so you are very important to my getting fed by the Word.”

She looks for opportunities every day to share her faith. One day, she offered a ride to a 21-year-old who was living on the road. The young adult, named Tyler, was struggling with depression and had recently lost three friends. Diana felt that he needed to hear Pastor Doug’s testimony. So she played it for him while they started on a 550-mile stretch. She ended up playing one sermon right after another.

When she arrived at her destination, she gave him a Bible, covered one night’s lodging in a motel, and bought him a bus ticket home. “I believe in my heart that he went away knowing Jesus a little better,” she recalls. “I thanked my Father for the opportunity to show His love and prayed that Tyler would someday be fully committed to Him.”

Diana understands what it’s like to find your way home. It’s been a long journey through pain, but by God’s grace and through Amazing Facts she has made the leap of faith into her Father’s arms.